If you feel something isn't right with your experience as a Te Mahi Ako learner, you have the right to complain, and our job is to respond with fairness, consistency and in a reasonable time.
You might experience problems with your learning programme, or concerns about the behaviour of other learners/ākonga, our staff, your employer, or other people involved in your learning journey.
How to complain or raise an issue
Our Learner Support team is there to provide holistic support - that means supporting you as as a learner and as a whole person. You can talk to your Learner Support Coordinator, or any Te Mahi Ako staff member, about any problems that are impacting your ability to study, or any incidents that have made you feel unsafe while studying.
You can make a complaint or report an issue through the complaints form on our Forms page. You can also contact us at learner.support@temahiako.org.nz or 0508 475 455, and one of our team will contact you.
You'll find more information on our complaints process in our Ākonga (Learner) Complaints/Grievances policy, in the policy section on this page. This policy is in line with the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice and the NZQA provider complaints process.