Outdoor Leadership activity: Education Outside the Classroom
Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) teachers use their understanding of the curriculum to craft educational outings that foster students' personal and academic growth, while keeping them safe in the outdoors.
These electives are for teachers who deliver outdoor education and wish to enhance their knowledge and skills. It was developed jointly with Education Outdoors New Zealand.
Before you start
To enrol in these programmes, you need to be a teacher working in a New Zealand school, in a paid job, self-employed, or as a volunteer with regular and consistent shifts.
What's involved?
The Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) elective is available at Level 4 and Level 5 (Instruction).
You'll be trained, observed and assessed in the workplace, and some or all of your assessments will be completed online.
You will complete a Fundamentals module, in addition to the EOTC elective. Once you've completed Fundamentals at each level, you can add further electives without having to repeat it.
The evidence required at each level is outlined below:
Level 4 graduates will be able to plan, manage and evaluate EOTC activities that meet New Zealand curriculum objectives
- Experience as an assistant leader on at least five half-day EOTC events
- Experience as a leader on at least two half-day EOTC events.
Level 5 (Instruction) graduates will have the skills of the level below, and they will also be able to act independently and use their in-depth knowledge of EOTC and the New Zealand curriculum to serve as Teacher in Charge (TIC) of events and trips in outdoor settings
- Experience as a leader on at least five half-day EOTC events
- Experience as a TIC on at least five half-day EOTC events, including at least one overnight, and one multi-day trip
- Experience managing and supervising students around water
- Experience managing the needs and responses of children and young people following an emergency situation.
Did you know?
Once you've achieved your Outdoor Leadership certificate, you will be registered with the New Zealand Register of Recreation Professionals. You can keep your registration current by re-registering every three years.
Similar Qualifications
Outdoor Experiences Qualifications (L3)
Outdoor Experiences Qualifications (L4)
National Raft Guide Awards
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