Pool Lifeguard Practising Certificate

To work as a pool lifeguard in New Zealand, you need to hold a nationally-recognised qualification. The Pool Lifeguard Practising Certificate (PLPC) is the minimum qualification you can have. PLPC will give you everything you need to get started, and it's a great first step towards becoming a highly-skilled lifeguard.

Before you start

To train as a pool lifeguard in New Zealand, you must be at least 16 years old on the day you begin training.

Talk to your employer about requirements for checks under the Children's Act 2014 relevant to your role.

And to enrol in this programme, you need to be working in a paid job at a pool or an aquatic facility, or as a volunteer with regular and consistent shifts.

If you don't have a role lined up, contact us to talk about how we can help.

Before you start PLPC, you will be asked to complete a swim test, and you need to hold a current First Aid certificate. 

What's involved?

You'll be trained, observed and assessed in the workplace. There are two stages to completing the programme. 

Stage 1: Training and assessment
  • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of pool lifeguards
  • Understanding aquatic supervision techniques
  • Demonstrating aquatic rescue techniques for casualties in a range of scenarios.

After completing Stage 1, you will have earned your Pool Lifeguard Skills Award.

Stage 2: On job-validation
  • Completing a facility induction
  • Completing a written health and safety assessment
  • Completing the Pool Lifeguard Logbook (which includes 20 hours of poolside supervision, facility inspections, dealing with hazards, supervising pool areas and aquatic activities).

After completing Stage 2, you will have completed your Pool Lifeguard Practising Certificate!

Did you know?

PLPC is part of the New Zealand Certificate in Aquatics – Pool Lifeguard (Level 3). After completing the certificate, contact us if you're interested in taking your career up a level and enrolling in the Level 3 certificate.

Similar Qualifications

NZ Certificate in Aquatics (Pool Lifeguard) (L3)

This programme is for people working as pool lifeguards and looking after swimmers and other pool users. The Pool Lifeguard Level 3 certificate will prepare you to be confident using your supervision, rescue and emergency response skills when needed.
Level 3
Credited Programme

New Zealand Certificate in Aquatics (Swim and Water Safety Teacher) (L3)

This programme is for swim teachers delivering safe and effective swim education in Aotearoa communities. The Swim Teacher Level 3 certificate will equip you to teach swimming to groups or individuals, no matter their swimming ability.
Level 3

New Zealand Certificate in Aquatics (Aquafitness) (L3)

This programme is for people leading groups and individuals in aquafitness classes. The Aquafitness Level 3 certificate will ensure you're ready to use aquafitness equipment and techniques to deliver safe and effective exercise in the pool.
Level 3

New Zealand Certificate in Aquatic Treatment Systems (L4)

This programme is for people working in plant operations, aquatic treatment systems and advanced pool testing.  Completing the Aquatic Treatment Systems Level 4 certificate will give you the skills to work unsupervised in a water quality testing and treatment role.
Level 4

New Zealand Apprenticeship: Senior Pool Lifeguard (L4)

This apprenticeship is for lifeguards who are leading lifeguard shifts and teams in aquatic facilities, and want to take their knowledge and skills to the next level. As a senior pool lifeguard, you will come out of the apprenticeship armed with the knowledge required to supervise, coordinate and educate pool staff.
Level 4

New Zealand Apprenticeship: Specialised Swim and Water Safety Teacher (L4)

This apprenticeship is for swim teachers who are keen to add specialised teaching skills. The Specialised Swim and Water Safety Teacher apprenticeship will prepare you with advanced practical skills in two teaching electives.
Level 4