Helenah Broughton
People and culture coordinator
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Kapakapanui toku maunga
Ko Waikanae toku awa
Ko Te Whānau a Maruhaeremuri toku hapu
Ko Wairuru toku marae
Ko Te Whānau-ā-Apanui toku iwi
Ko Whitiora toku mātua,
Ko Sarah toku whaea
Ko Helenah toku ingoa
Tēnā tātou katoa
My name is Helenah, I was born and bred in Wellington. I was awarded the Tokoweka scholarship at Victoria University, where I studied Human Resources and Marketing.
Throughout my career I have grown a passion for fostering positive workplace environments. I believe that a positive workplace creates positive effects in your work life and beyond.
Last year, I took a break from working in HR and lived in Paris for 9 months. I worked in marketing and was living the 'Emily in Paris' lifestyle. Prior to this I worked at the Lion Foundation and CCDHB doing HR.
People and culture coordinator
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Kapakapanui toku maunga
Ko Waikanae toku awa
Ko Te Whānau a Maruhaeremuri toku hapu
Ko Wairuru toku marae
Ko Te Whānau-ā-Apanui toku iwi
Ko Whitiora toku mātua,
Ko Sarah toku whaea
Ko Helenah toku ingoa
Tēnā tātou katoa
My name is Helenah, I was born and bred in Wellington. I was awarded the Tokoweka scholarship at Victoria University, where I studied Human Resources and Marketing.
Throughout my career I have grown a passion for fostering positive workplace environments. I believe that a positive workplace creates positive effects in your work life and beyond.
Last year, I took a break from working in HR and lived in Paris for 9 months. I worked in marketing and was living the 'Emily in Paris' lifestyle. Prior to this I worked at the Lion Foundation and CCDHB doing HR.
Bridei Bright
Learning designer
Emma Lindsay
Quality advisor
Faye Barrand
Assessor and facilitator manager
Jacinta Handscomb
Education co-ordinator
04 385 7024
Jim McKendry
Learning designer
0508 475 455
Leatrice Thomas
Learner support coordinator
027 1800 2748
Lee Hodson
Education administrator
0508 475 455
Michelle Allwright
Education development and delivery manager
Monique Freshwater
Assessor and facilitator trainer
021 194 1220
Nicole Boyd
Programme developer